Xelean logo

“If the service is free, you are the product.”

That’s why Xelean doesn’t come for free:
we’re soon bringing in valuable extra features available through a genuinely affordable subscription.

But the current version of Xelean is
(and will always be) completely free!

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Enjoying Xelean? Support us!

There are 3 ways you can help:

Tell us more!

We value your feedback: how do you use Xelean? What do you like? What could be better? Shoot us an email by clicking here:

Share your thoughts! Share your thoughts!

Spread the word!

s a startup, we're short on resources and rely heavily on word of mouth. If Xelean has impressed you, share your experience on social media (or even over a pint, at the office, in the park...)

Buy us a coffee!

What's a startup without coffee? Exactly... we could use a boost! If you think we deserve it, a simple click can buy an espresso for the Xelean developers.